Charleroi 7th UDCW

The seventh UDCW will take place at Charleroi from October 26th to November 1st 2024.

The seventh UDCW of the UCCRN_edu project will take place at Charleroi, the leading urban metropolis in Wallonia, from October 26th to November 1st, 2024.

Selected students from each of the 9 Higher Education Institutions partner of the project will join the UDCW to develop a multi-disciplinary planning and design-oriented proposal aimed at supporting plans for the ‘clean’ development of the “Porte Ouest” case study by 2050 based on the Masterplan by Studio Paola Vigano validated by the city of Charleroi and the Walloon Region in 2021. The aim will be to produce multi-scale design solutions supported by robust climate, environmental and social analyses carried out in collaboration with government officials, design & planning practitioners and local communities, such as the Cleantech District. The student will conduct comprehensive urban analyses and propose sustainable and resilient solutions in line with the problematic of the energy crisis, and the challenges of the ecological and social transitions of the area.

Expected Outputs

UDCW output will include detailed microclimate and urban analyses, linking climate-resiliency and sustainability with other local priorities expressed by stakeholders and other related data. In order to successfully tackle the multidisciplinary dimension of the urban climate challenge emerging from these objectives, the project involves an appropriate mix of complementary experience and expertise.

Specific outputs will be implemented according to sending HEIs’ UCCRN_edu educational focus:

  • Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II – Italy: climate-resilient urban planning and design assessment methods and design support tools.
  • Université Gustave Eiffel – France: urban infrastructure vulnerability and resilience assessment methods and tools.
  • Sorbonne Université – France: urban ecology and biodiversity, Nature Based Solutions.
  • Aalborg Universitet – Denmark: urban governance and urban planning.
  • University College Dublin – Ireland: urban climate science theoretical principles, assessment methods and simulation tools.
  • Universitat Internacional de Catalunya – Spain: urban resilience assessment and co-design approaches.
  • Université de Mons – Belgium: smart city planning, Net-Zero Energy district development; resilience and risk management in the urban project.
  • Università di Pisa – Italy: environmental justice, policy making and legislation.
  • IHE Delft Institute for Water Education – Netherlands: sustainable and resilient urban water management and governance.


Admission requirements

Students must be enrolled in one of UCCRN_edu nine Higher Education Institutions in a 2nd level Master’s degree or higher to participate to the UDCWs. Expected skills include knowledge of the links between architecture, city, climate, environment and society, together with interest and experience in working in multi-disciplinary environments.


Registrations will close on Sep 12 2024. This will allow students to participate in the preparatory activities of the workshop. Notification of the outcome of the selection will be sent by email to students by Sep 16 2024.

Application submission

In order to take part in the selection of UDCW participants, it is necessary to fill in the application form below, attaching:

– A short CV and portfolio outlining background expertise on climate-resilient urban planning, design and governance in relation to the specific UCCRN_edu educational focus of the participant HEIs (see “Expected Outputs” section above).

– An English-Language Certificate or an English self-assessment of the level of proficiency (CEFR).

– A motivational letter (optional).

ECTS credits recognition and funding

UCCRN_edu adopts the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). The amount of hours devoted to intensive study programme activities will be reported for each participating student. Europass Mobility Certificates will be delivered to all participants at the end of each UDCW, detailing the specific activities carried out and the related acquired skills.

With regard to financial funding, selected students will receive travel support grants.

For more information about ECTS credits and travel support budget please write to your sending HEI contact person (see list below).

  • Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II – Italy []
  • Université Gustave Eiffel – France []
  • Sorbonne Université – France []
  • Aalborg Universitet – Denmark []
  • University College Dublin – Ireland []
  • Universitat Internacional de Catalunya – Spain []
  • Université de Mons – Belgium []
  • Università di Pisa – Italy []
  • IHE Delft Institute for Water Education – Netherlands []


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